Balagezong, Shangri-La Grand Canyon


Day 2 - Jumaat 16/08/2024

Hari ni kami nak ke Shangri-la Grand Canyon, Balagezong.

Berbekalkan info yang kami dapat daripada owner hotel ni, dah macam cakap dengan ayam & itik gais! hahaaa.. Dorang kat sini memang tak boleh cakap english langsung. Kami pon tak de yang pandai cakap cina. Memang communication breakdown betul! hahaaa

Memang banyak info dia bagi kat weechat jer. Nasib baik kat weechat boleh translate ke english. Kami nak google pun macam tak banyak info. So kesimpulannya memang kami redah jer nak ke sana.

Dari hotel kami jalan kaki nak ke North Gate stesen bas lebih kurang 15 minit ikut map yang dia bagi. So dari stesen bas ni dia akan bawa kami ke Balagezong lebih kurang 2-3 jam perjalanan.

Sesat jugak dalam Oldtown Dukezong ni nak cari North Gate tu. hahaaa.. Kena gerak awal dalam pukul 7 pagi sebab perjalanan nak ke sana pun dah jauh.

Pening jugak nak deal harga sebab tak paham bahasa cina. hahaa

Entrance Price is CNY165 + 75 (Stupa) = CNY 240. 

Shambala Stupa is optional. Kalau tak nak pergi pun tak pa. Boleh skip. Sebab kami pergi bukan musim salji so xde apa sangat kat situ. Kalau musim snow best boleh main salji kat situ.

Function jugak la translator ni. hahaa

So dah naik tourist bas dia akan bagi pass ni

Scenic Area Shuttle Bus

You can take Bus No. 1 from the Shangri-La Passenger Station or take a taxi to the North Gate of Dukezong Ancient Town. The Bala Gezong Scenic Area consultation point is located next to the parking lot at the North Gate of Dukezong Ancient Town. From the consultation point, you can take the dedicated shuttle bus to the Bala Gezong Scenic Area Visitor Reception Center (Shangri-La Grand Canyon Visitor Reception Center).

Departure Times:

Summer: Daily at 8:30 AM

Winter: Daily at 9:00 AM

Every day there are buses from north gate of Dukezong Ancient Town to Balagezong at 08:40 and the buses return to Dukezong from Balagezong at 05:00 - 05:30 and arrive at Dukezong at around 06:30. There is the ticket office inside the north gate.

View sepanjang jalan lawa gler weh!

Pastu terjumpa plak tourist Malaysian Chinese yang satu bas dengan kami. Dia gerak solo jer. So excited la jumpa orang Malaysia dekat sini. hahaaa.. Dalam bas sepatah haram pun tak paham apa yang tourist guide ni bagitau. Kami pun tanya la yang orang Malaysia tu. Dia tolong translate skit2.

Lalu kat kawasan pergunungan

Balik nanti naik bas ni jugak

Balagezong ni terletak di :

Bala commune, Xingfu Village (Happiness Village), Nixi Township, Shangri-la City, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.

Finally after almost 3 hours 

Sebenarnya tempat ni besar gler! So korang akan pergi ke satu tempat tu naik bas, lalu lereng-lereng gunung yang curam. 

The first stop you will arrive at is Bala Village on the mountainside. It is the only village in this vast land in the past years. Tibetan scripture records that millions of years ago, a group of people tried to find an ideal place without wars and miseries. 

After innumerable hardships they finally settled down in the Bala Village. Till now, it is still a secluded land with Tibetan wood houses. 

At the end of the village, colorful sutra streamers around Marnyi stones sway in the wind.

teringat pulak prayer flag ni macam kat Nepal dulu

Balagezong Scenic Area, located about 31 miles (50km) northwest of Shangri-la County, belongs to Hongshan Section in the Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas. 

It earns very high admiration for the mysterious ancient Bala Village, hospitable villagers, holy snow mountains, plank road over Gangqu River, and precipitous gorges, especially Shangri-la Grand Canyon. It is a pure land isolated from the outside world, waiting for visitors to discover its unique beauty with rich Tibetan culture.

Echo wall high-altitude glass plank road

Malaysia boleh!

Many years ago, Barra Village was a place that could not even be found on a map. The conditions were extremely difficult. The connection between the village and the outside world was a cliff path only one meter wide. It took young adults 4-5 days to go out. Some villagers have never even seen the outside world in their entire lives.

Belakang tu dorang ada buat flying fox rentas gaung uolls! Ade bran x?? hahaaa

Back to Dukezong Ancient Town

Kat Shangri-La tak banyak sangat kedai halal food. So jenuh jugak la mencari muslim food kena jalan jauh skit dari Dukezong ancient city tu.

Chinese green tea

Muka lapar

Guishan Temple:

Built in the very center of the Old Town, Guishan Temple with the largest prayer wheel, over 80 feet high lights up the night sky like a dazzling jewel. It offers a wonderful vantage point for looking over the Shangrila city.

To be continued.......

Previous post :


  1. Bestnyer.. tgk gambar dulu nanti baru nak baca... sebab dah nak balik keja sudah hahaha :D

    1. hehee ya banyak gambar sampai penuh phone full memory

  2. Bagus betul translate app tu.. semua dia terjemah.. walau tak boleh faham susah nak berkomunikasi tapi berbaloi sangat dapat sampai ke situ. Dari gambar dah boleh imagine mcm mana susah zaman dahulu Bara Village tu nak ke kawasan luar.. alhamdulillah ada juga makanan halal.. mesti main order tunjuk gambar jer :D

    1. nak order pun translate jugak tapi still xpaham & ya paling senang tunjuk gambar je la.. hahaa

    2. Mmg pergi cina nak makan tunjuk gambar.. paling best food hunting sblm dan selepas solat jumaat kat masjid2 di Cina..rambang mata..

    3. haah best food hunting rindu plak nak pergi China lagi.. hehee

  3. pakai internet apa kt sana?


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